BRASILIANA 2013 öffnet sich für „Moderne Philatelie“!

(wm) Die Ausstellungsleitung informierte die Sammler aus vielen Ländern über eine jüngst vorgenommene Erweiterung der bereits jetzt vorgesehenen Wettbewerbsklassen um eine Klasse 13 (Moderne Philatelie des 21. Jahrhunderts). Diese Klasse soll in besonderer Form unter Beweis stellen, dass man auch mit „modernem“ Material (ab 2001 bis heute) interessante Sammlungen gestalten kann. Drei Untergruppen dieser Klasse sind dafür vorgesehen: a) Traditionell, also nach Art der Ländersammlungen, b) Postgeschichte, c) Ganzsachen. Umfang der Exponate: Drei oder fünf Rahmen. Kosten: Je Rahmen 50 US-Dollar. Die näheren Bestimmungen sind in englischer Sprache erhältlich bei, also bei dem deutschen Kommissar des BDPh. Interessenten werden gebeten, sich bei ihm zu melden. Die Anmeldefrist läuft nur bis zum 31. Mai 2013.
Text der Originalmitteilung des Organisationskomitees:
We are pleased to inform that we have included Class 13 Modern Philately (of the 21th century) as one of four Competitive Classes:
Class 13; Modern Philately (of the 21st Century)
The objectives are to encourage collectors of Modern Philatelic materials to exhibit at the highest level and to demonstrate to Postal Administrations that are extensive bodies of philatelists who collect and study materials issued by them in the 21st century (2001-today).
The organizing committee is making this class available for exhibits complying with the special regulations for (A) Traditional, (B) Postal History and (C) Postal Stationery.
Qualifying exhibits for this promotional class must contain philatelic material issued by Postal authorities in the 21st century. Stamp series of philatelic topics chosen for this class which were substantially issued on/after 2011 are qualified as topics for the promotional class.
Promotional class exhibits will be judged according to the respective SREVs currently in force for the above mentioned classes.
The distribution of points available recognize that Modern Philatelic material is worthy of study and in many instances is difficult to acquire, treat and present while the short passage of time since their issue has not provide an accurate indication of importance or rarity.
FIP medals will be awarded to the appropriate exhibit and they will be recorded in the FIP Awards records. Certificate of Participation will be given to exhibits attaining less than 60 points.
Acceptance of entry into promotional class for BRASILIANA 2013 will be based on the recommendation of national commissioners and at the discretion of the BRASILIANA 2013 Organizing Committee. Exhibitors are entitled to apply for 3 or 5 frames per exhibit. Acceptance of any entries in the promotional class will not preclude acceptances of entries in any other class. All other requirements of the IREX will apply.
Frame fee: US$ 50 per frame
The BRASILIANA’s committee is extending the submission deadline for the application forms, only for Modern Philately, to May 31.
Reinaldo Macedo
General Secretary